The Mission of TI:ME - The mission of TI:ME is to assist music educators in applying technology to improve teaching and learning in music.
The History of TI:ME - In the summer of 1995 TI:ME was formed to address the following areas: First, there was a need to codify technology into a cohesive set of standards. Next, a certification process was explored to recognize the achievement of in-service music teachers in music technology. Finally, it became clear that there was a need for a new organization, national in scope and focused on the subject of teacher training in music technology. A National Advisory board was established and met in October of 1996 setting in motion the tasks that led to the creation of a world wide web site, the publication of a book of Strategies and a Newsletter The TI:MES, the criterion for membership, and the development of a comprehensive curriculum for in-service teacher training in music technology.