Team Title Services is a groundbreaking title insurance company that creates, services, and acquires outstanding title insurance companies. As the very first of its kind, Team Title was created by title attorneys & real estate brokers, and is paving the way for an industry that was once antiquated, to become one of the most innovative. With 21 current locations nationwide, Team Title prides itself on being the most efficient, technologically advanced, and customer-centric real estate closing company.
Team Title recognizes that the builder, broker, developer, or lender directs the real estate transaction, but is not compensated for sending business to settlement providers. TEAM enables high-producing professionals to earn money keeping and controlling their own business and process. If you are interested in opening or selling your own title company or outsourcing your title services, visit Team Title Services at to learn more. Watch the two-minute video to see why TEAM is the most innovative and customer-centric real estate closing company.