Te Manawa Museum

Te Manawa Museum specializes in Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos with 1 employees
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About Te Manawa Museum
Museum of Art, Science and History. As the cultural heart of our city Te Manawa draws art, science and history together, recognising the uniqueness of each area and reflecting our growing region and its people. Te Manawa Museums Trust (the Trust) is a charitable trust incorporated in New Zealand under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 and is domiciled in New Zealand. The Trust is controlled by Palmerston North City Council and is a Council Controlled Organisation as defined under section 6 of the Local Government Act 2002, by virtue of the Council's right to appoint more than 50% of the Board of Trustees. The Trust was incorporated on 20 August 1999, from tat date, the Trust assumed responsibility for art works and heritage assets transferred to its care but held on behalf of others. From 1 July 2000 the Trust commenced leasing the premises and managing the institution under agreements entered into with the Palmerston North City Council. The primary objective of the Trust is to provide interactive experience in art, science and history through acquiring, conserving, researching, developing, communicating and exhibiting material evidence of people and their environment, rather than making a financial return. Accordingly, the Trust has designated itself as a public benefit entity for the purposes of New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (NZ IFRS).
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Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos
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Te Manawa Museum specializes in the Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos field

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Te Manawa Museum specializes in the Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos field