The Tata Institute of Social Science(TISS) is a premier institute of Social Work in India. It was established in 1936 and was recognized as a Deemed University by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India in the year 1964.
In December 2011, Tata Institute of Social Sciences set up the School of Vocational Education(SVE) to provide immediate and definite interventions to improve the lives of the disadvantaged and marginalized youth, especially who are excluded by the formal school education system, through appropriate vocational training programmes.
SVE has been set up with a vision of creating an ecosystem that would bring back the dignity of labor for blue collar streams of work and create sustainable sources of income for the marginalized youth in the country.
The School has been incorporated to spearhead the Vocational Training envisaged in the initiative proposed by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India whereby TISS has been selected as nodal point to implement the said initiative.
Tata Institute of Social Sciences - School of Vocational Education
V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088
Telephone : 91 22 2552 5601, 02, 03 Fax : 91 22 2552 5050
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