Tasmanian Forests And Forest Products Network (Tffpn)

Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing · 1001 Employees
Phone Number: 610419302777
Email Address: romany.brodribb@tffpn.com.au
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The TFFPN provides an inclusive, open and transparent platform on industry matters for all those people who either work within or who support a productive, sustainable and profitable forest industry in Tasmania. The purpose of the TFFPN is to represent the shared views, aspirations and expectations of all those people who have a stake in the future of a sustainable Tasmanian forests, fine timber and wood fibre industry. TFFPN's work includes: - Being a communication hub – provide information and a united voice on issues, successes, policy, innovations, common areas of concern to its members , the general community, other industry organisations within the industry and other industries and to stakeholders - Provide informed policy advice to government and the industry - Provide a focal point for Government to communicate high level issues of common concern across the Network - Foster Research and Development in the industry - Promote skills development and career paths across the industry - Provide a linkage point across the industry to coordinate policy, government responses and other matters of common interest - Community engagement and education, providing information about the issues in the industry and build support for those who work in it - Promote the Brand - Build partnerships and align interests Membership is open to anyone who has a genuine interest in the continued future development of a sustainable and profitable forest and forest products industry.
Year Founded
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Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing
HQ Location
Hobart, Tasmania 7000, AU
  • Hobart, Tasmania 7000, AU

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Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing

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