Founded in 2002, Tarpon is an independent investment firm focused on public and private equities in Brazil. Tarpon seeks to deploy a highly focused investment strategy, pursuing opportunities that are typically overlooked or below the radar of other market participants based on building a proprietary angle.
Our original thinking centers around a flexible private equity approach in the public markets, investing in high-quality businesses that are discounted to their intrinsic value, especially in areas where we have developed an expertise over the years.
We work to develop a deep understanding of each company’s products and services, management team, operations, business cycles, and stakeholders, as well as key value drivers, aiming at a high level of confidence and conviction in our investment decisions.
We manage concentrated portfolios, both in public and private markets, in order to be deeper and more engaged with our companies through a long-term business owner mindset.
Our managing partners and employees are the largest investors in our funds. Our clients include endowments, foundations, families, and pension plans.