Talleres Núñez, founded in 1968, has 77 years of industrial and professional antecedents, during the course of which a series of evolutionary and generational circumstances have taken place and therefore have taken form in today's reality.
Our message is the permanent quality of our manufactured products, direct contact with our clients and a structural support with which we guarantee our clients the appropriate technical responsibility or our methods and our raw material. And of course, we offer the broadest experience for solving operational deficiencies and the constant indroduction of new developments and materials. We dispose of new and spacious facilities.
Talleres Núñez, has implemented a Quality and Environmental Management Systems following the rules of the ISO (ISO 9001 and 14001), which have been certified successfully. We are proud certified. Obviously, the safety of the employees of the Company is our main concern; therefore a Prevention Insurance System has also been developed.
The first years of exidtence were dedicated to strengthen the means of production in the line of metallic meshes, as well as exclusively attending the national market.
In the past ten years, Talleres Núñez has started a new phase of expansion, comprehending all products that are related to the screening and selection of materials. With a resolute and open vocation, we have obtained very satisfying results breaking into international markets, counting today with an important presence in more than 25 countries of the five continents