Taller de José specializes in Non-profit Organizations with 2 employees
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About Taller de José
Taller de José is a community resource center located in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago that accompanies individuals, serving as a bridge to connect them to the health, legal, and social services needed to achieve their goals. As a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network, we create more connected communities.
Community resource center managementConnecting individuals to health servicesConnecting individuals to legal servicesConnecting individuals to social services
case managementresourcesInternshipsAccompanimentmigratioproblem solving
Taller de José Location
5533 S Sawyer Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60629, US
2651 S Central Park Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60623, US
1845 S 9th Ave
Maywood, Illinois 60153, US
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