Talkey makes your apartment's intercom mobile.
It's like having a smart lock, and a smart doorbell, all in one package. Finally, apartment living can have the same smart home benefits as a suburban home.
Accept deliveries from any carrier - while you're away.
Remotely check in your AirBnB guests without being there in person.
When your visitor arrives outside your building they ring your apartment's doorbell, as they always have. Talkey lets you speak to them from anywhere and unlock the door - just as if you were at home.
Talkey also makes it possible for apartment owners to use smart door locks. Traditionally a smart lock on an interior apartment door is useless because guests can not enter the building in the first place. Talkey changes that.
Best of all, installing Talkey doesn't require expensive building upgrades. Nothing on the building is changed. So it doesn't require any approval from neighbors or housing organizations. Even apartment renters can easily install Talkey.