Our team of highly experienced data scientists have been working on major client projects for the past decade. We keep walking into companies that have such poor access to high-quality data that it scared us a little. Ever since we're jump-starting companies globally in their people analytics process by providing them with tools primarily targeted to cover your most basic analytical needs.
Beyond covering the basics we have a large suite of API's that allow parties to excel at predictive analytics and data enhancement.
Our experience is well-defined in data science, advanced statistics, and computer science with years of experience in the HR industry. Over time we have grown expertise in talent pre-qualification, automated job matching, talent marketing, and predicting cultural fit. We are here to share some of this experience with the world.
At Talent Data Labs we take talent analytics to a new level by consolidating a vast amount of data from different stakeholders. We use this data and our team of scientists to create predictive models for success. For movie aficionados, we often get compared to the "Moneyball" approach ;)
Our process:
1. One of our consultants does an in-depth analysis of your company to understand your people-related opportunities.
1b. If required, we build a database that allows you to consolidate all your personal data, from all different departments.
2. You get a full report of all gaps versus the benchmarks.
3. Together we decide which problems to tackle.
4. We build a statistical model based on your data and see if we can isolate the root cause of the problem.
5. Two options: A) you license our tool that has the solution embedded and will assure a re-focus of resources, B) we embed the tool into your system so that you can make your decisions based on the statistical recommendations.
6. We measure the results, recalibrate, and assure continued quality.