台灣青年氣候聯盟Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (簡稱TWYCC),成立於2011年,是由來自台灣各地對環境保育、氣候變遷充滿熱情的青年組成的團體,為台灣第一個以青年為主運作的環境NGO,同時也以台灣環境議題的青年交流平台為宗旨,擴展青年氣候行動。
Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC) is the first youth environmental NGO in Taiwan. We aim to become a youth climate movement by building a cooperative platform for youths in Taiwan to diffuse knowledge, find partners and make changes. Our projects range from international working groups on climate negotiation to local action groups that has specific focuses on water issue.
We believe in climate justice and sustainability. We build trust among every youth who identify themselves as TWYCC’ers. Together we are committed to achieving a just, sustainable and compassionate world for every human being.