Tabschool is a product by Heirloom Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in providing high-tech digital tools to impart technology-based education to learners. We offer a fascinating world of the efficient learning environment to empower learners from all walks of life to gain knowledge on any subject of their interest in the most enjoyable and intuitive way possible.
We provide a digital learning platform based on cloud computing technology. We use advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence to boost the learning process, make it faster, more efficient, and thus maximize the overall learning results.
Sophisticated features like real-time learning analytics offer valuable insight into the overall performance of a learner. It can help precisely gauge various psychological factors and issues including the true orientation and motivation of a student, their learning habits, what appeals to their taste and what turns them off and so on.
This insight can be used to provide timely feedback and suggestions for improvement. This enables us to provide a unique personalized or adaptive learning system that is truly an important advantage to the students and teachers alike.
In a nutshell, Tabschool is a sincere attempt in the ever-evolving field of edtech, to carry the torch forward and illuminate the minds of all the knowledge-hungry learners with the help of advanced digital technology.