TRR Securitas is a complete insurance broker, created to be the most intelligent/clever choice in all areas related to insurance, through products and services with high quality standards, innovative solutions, customized services, professional management and excellent cost-benefit relation.
TRR Securitas offers an exclusive tool so its clients can look after the Quality of Life of their employees.
TRR Securitas Help Line
TRR Securitas has a direct channel to clarify the insured’s doubts about its plans and benefits.
Full Benefit Management
Using automated systems as tools, TRR Securitas goes beyond the health plan management, taking care of the employees’ benefit administration – life, dentistry, social security, meal tickets, meals, transportation, combustible and others.
Health Management Report
Developed to offer a clear diagnosis of the current situation and the necessary information for the long term benefit policy planning.
Insurance Seminars, Lectures and Training
TRR Securitas uses its staff knowledge, expertise and specialization in order to organize customized programs and lectures to train the clients’ executives and technical staff.
Inspection Report
Developed pursuant international Standards, accredited by the market, it is useful for the clients’ Risk Management development.
Active Relationship
Daily update by e-mail about the maturity date of the insurance installments, renewals etc.