TRENDS Research & Advisory analyzes opportunities and challenges at geopolitical, economic, and cognitive levels. The Center conducts research and engages in a constant endeavor to find scientific and objective answers to the global trends in a way that enhances the understanding of all its dimensions. TRENDS seeks to comprehend the impact of the issues facing the world, taking into account the different aspects of analyses and following the international standards set for scientific research.
The Center
At TRENDS we carry out an independent and rigorous analysis of vital global, regional and country-specific challenges and opportunities to serve as a primary resource for leaders and policy-makers in governments.
Our experts adapt and work on new ideas to tackle crucial regional and international challenges by analyzing the latest trends while taking advantage of the available resources and opportunities.
Our vision is to become a global think-tank that influences government policies and international organizations. It is aligned with the pursuit of our objectives in terms of academic excellence and high-quality research.
Our Services:
Public Sector
TRENDS Research & Advisory undertakes rigorous and independent policy research, covering the entire range of national policy concerns. With the foundation provided by our experienced researchers and the support of academics worldwide, we strive to assist the UAE government’s agencies with scientific research at all levels.
TRENDS’ international research for the public sector concerns itself with the evolving challenges facing countries, governments, and non-government organizations.
TRENDS works alongside organizations and individuals to ascertain challenges and outline and suggest solutions.
Private Sector
TRENDS offers valuable strategic insight and hands-on operational improvements to augment your corporation’s effectiveness, particularly in areas where the private and public sectors overlap.