We are software developers and engineers with deep technical knowledge in R + D + i.
We develop all kinds of custom software and applications for companies on an international level.
Our Solutions:
🔻 Custom Software Development:
We develop custom business software, web & mobile applications by using the most advanced and secure technologies.
🔻 Embedded Software Development:
We are experts in the development of embedded software in C / C ++, RTOS, Firmware, and Linux for any industry. Besides, we have extensive experience in the railway, mobility, and the transport sector.
🔻 Technological Solutions:
Our team is multidisciplinary and has experience in the most advanced technologies such as Blockchain, RA, AI, Big Data, FIWARE, IoT, 3D, DTV, wearables, smart city, eHealth, digital signage, and much more.
🔻 In-House services, consulting, and training:
Our experts are used to perfectly blending into internal development teams by providing all kinds of technology training and implementations necessary for companies and industries.
🔻 R&D, innovation, and patents
We develop the physical prototype of your invention, carry out its industrial design and product engineering. We have associate patent agents around the world.
â—¾ Specificity
â—¾ Listening
â—¾ Perspective
â—¾ Experience
Are you looking for a specific, concrete, and suitable solution for the needs of your project? Do you have an idea but still don't know what exactly you need to carry it out?
Get in touch with us
â—¾ contact@trbl-services.eu
Find the solution, boost your project, patent your idea.