TOCCA's flexible architecture helps companies design their own branded venue and then configure the various rooms anyway they like. Designed to replicate the essence of in-person events in a compelling digital rendering, Tocca allows you to easily navigate from room to room, (ex: keynote, simultaneous tracks, fully interactive round tables...), visit sponsor booths and lounges, and take a break in the networking lounge and chat with other attendees. A new experience, designed for your unique event needs. Increase engagement at your virtual professional events with your customized branded solution designed to increase the intimacy of interactions among all participants. Visit for more information.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
169 11th St
San Francisco, California, US
Virtual event designBranded solution customizationInteractive room setupDigital event engagement strategies
Customized branded venue designVirtual event configurationInteractive room navigationSponsor booth visitsNetworking lounge for attendee interaction
NetworkingPrivate Analytics PlatformOpen APIsArtificial Intelligencelead qualificatiocompany eventstop of the funnellead intelligenceVirtual Events