Development and Production of high quality handbags and leather products for Luxury & Fashion companies. Gianni Piras, the artisan, has been developing products for more than 30 years serving the most famous brands in the World.
TICREA is a B2B leather goods production company linked to craftsmanship and innovation, since 1987. The 4000 sqm factory is located in the heart of Veneto, in Italy: it is nested in the hills of Vicenza, in the town of Monte di Malo, an inspiring and valuable territory that hosts some of the best master craftsmen.
More than 50 employees are working for our fast growing Company; we believe that our greatest asset is the Italian craftsmanship and we invest on it everyday, to continue developing this unique knowledge and competence. This is also what our Customers are looking for: they are the major luxury brands of Europe, America and Asia and they come to us for the best know-how Made in Italy.
Development phase: support the brand and the fashion designer in creating a luxury handbag consistent with the Brand's targets. Production phase: provide world class manufacturing services to our Customer by focusing on quality, cost competitiveness and on-time deliveries.