The Instruction Company has been in business since 2000 providing quality and tailored training solutions to the Rail industry.
We are an independent Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with scope of registration that allows us to train nationally in Rail Infrastructure, Rail Network Control and Rail Operations up to Certificate IV level.
TIC also provides training in skillsets including multi-jurisdictional network Safeworking, Track Force Protection & Track Vehicle Operations training to name a few.
Further, TIC provide professional guidance & advice as consultants to the Rail Industry, on many occasions to assist major rail operators resolve major training, resource & safeworking issues.
We provide training and performance management tools to meet client needs, in locomotive drivers, assistant drivers, terminal operators, shunting activities, train inspection, train controllers, track infrastructure workers, protection officers, high rail operators, track machine operators and employees who conduct track work.
Our expertise in these areas have seen us deliver training for different rail projects & operators across Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania & Western Australia.