Founded in 1988, the French company THIOT INGENIERIE has become a world leader in the development, design and manufacture of fast dynamics equipment. Our gas guns (single-stage or two-stage light gas guns, powder guns), Split-Hopkinson bars, acceleration generators, detonation chambers, equip the most renowned laboratories and research centers all over the world.
In 2008, THIOT INGENIERIE opened its own laboratory of Shock Physics for its partners. Combined with a numerical simulation expertise, it is today a laboratory with high technical capabilities, using state-of-the-art metrology solutions, to observe and study the dynamic behavior of materials:
- 4 gas launchers, single and double stage, for impact tests on all types of materials and structures up to 10.5 km/s, aeronautical certification tests
- A Split-Hopkinson Bars test bench (SHPB, SHTB, SHToB) for dynamic characterization of materials
- CHRONOS, an acceleration generator to test the behavior of embedded systems up to 100,000G
- Jupiter, a dynamic press capable of applying a load of 200 tons in 3 ms
How does a ceramic shield behave when hit by a bullet? An aircraft windscreen in a hail storm? A solar panel when hit by a space debris? What is the security perimeter to plan for a demilitarization operation? THIOT INGENIERIE is the best partner of defense, aeronautics, space and civil engineering players to answer these questions. Our experts, engineers and scientists correlate experimental testing and numerical simulation: an essential complementarity to provide the most accurate and reliable understanding of your materials & structures when subjected to shock stress (impact, fragmentation, blast, explosion…). Our mission: help our partners to develop the most resistant products and save valuable time during development phases.
Import-export - mechanical engineering, Threading machines, precision, for metals, Machinery and equipment for metalworking, Metals, Machinery & Engineering, Gear cutting machines, precision, for metals, Special purpose precision engineering machine tools
HQ Location
Route Nationale
Shock Physics LaboratoryCetification testings for impacts testingsMaterials Dynamic BehaviourGas gun makerDetonics & explosion chambersAutofrettage machinesImpacts on structuresTwo-stage light gas gun