Note: Our website's URL-host (GoDaddy) was hacked in Sep'21 and the entire content of the site "" has been lost. We are in the process of re-designing a new site. (WIP). Please see below for a synopsis of our services.
The Road-Scholar ™ has been serving the Canadian Trucking Industry since 1993, with various programs as outlined on our website. (contact for more information).
The Road-Scholar™ has acquired his professional experience "hands-on" in the capacity of company driver and Owner/Operator for 9 years, as well as by completing courses with the Ontario Safety League as
• Fleet Driver Trainer
• Air Brake Endorsement Instructor
• Accident Investigator & Claims Adjudicator
The Road-Scholar™ is very proud having accumulated a driving experience of over 5,500,000 accident & claims-free kilometers since 1974, half of which with class AZ (or equivalent) equipment.
The Road-Scholar™ strongly endorses the concept of perpetual Professional Driver Improvement Training as well as strict Carrier Compliance to ensure Risk Management.
The Road-Scholar™ is an active member of the following professional associations:
CARSP - Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals
CVSA - Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (associate member)
MVSA - Motor Vehicle Safety Association
OSL - Ontario Safety League
Fleet Safety Council of Ontario