Boldly embarking on our journey in 2021, TFP defined itself as a revolutionary Egyptian modeling agency, standing out from fixed norms and preconceived assumptions. Refraining from unattainable standards, we choose to be non-conformists, reflecting reality in its most genuine sense.
Beyond talent, we aspire to build a dedicated and committed team, sharing the same vision. Working in a familial dynamic, we aim to preserve a warm and friendly ambiance, welcoming models to feel comfortable and at ease while bringing out their most unique and essential selves.
TFP’s objective is not merely to stand out, but is rather focused on inclusively depicting unique selves and embracing all differences in order to connect with wider audiences. We’re not only presenting faces, we’re introducing role-models that extoll diversity. In that sense, digitalization emits positivity rather than distortions. Our belief system revolves around a catch-all representation of beauty features, heights, weights, age and backgrounds.