TEAM. Event Makers

TEAM. Event Makers specializes in Entertainment with 11 employees
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About TEAM. Event Makers
We are the agency for event makers. We serve the event and entertainment industry with our large network of talents. We are a knowledge institution with over a century of cumulative event and entertainment experience. Our eventmakers are up-to-date leaders who have built a strong portfolio of projects & clients over the years. With our ‘joining forces’ we have a group of highly skilled event makers that can be hired to create or work on the world’s biggest, boldest and most extraordinary pieces of event entertainment. With overhead being a huge factor for events to operate successfully and a rapidly changing environment, here is our opportunity to facilitate the global event industry with an unprecedented move to combine skills and join forces. we have the finest event makers... we send out the most exceptionally skilled industry professionals... we deliver the highest quality of products... we offer the best consultancy... Tried, tested but most of all based on talent, knowhow and years of experience, this is a team that is unprecedented in the global event entertainment field. Working together, building trust. that is what makes a project successful.
Year Founded
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HQ Location
ADAM Tower Amsterdam, NL
TEAM. Event Makers Location
  • ADAM Tower Amsterdam, NL

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TEAM. Event Makers specializes in the Entertainment field

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TEAM. Event Makers specializes in the Entertainment field