TCarta is the world's foremost supplier of bathymetric data for near-shore areas around the world. Our data fill the gap between low-resolution data sets and the highly accurate but limited coverage provided by hydrographic surveys.
TCarta data provide a level of detail that approaches that of survey data, but at a fraction of the cost. Our coverage area extends over the world's entire littoral zone, from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf.
Our data are used in a variety of industries; oil & gas exploration and production, environmental research, archaeology, telecommunications, fishing, and many others.
IT Services and IT Consulting, Maps and atlas's, Book trade, Graphics and Design
HQ Location
1015 Federal Blvd
Denver, Colorado 80204, US
Bathymetric MappingMarineGeospatialHydrospatialSatellite Derived BathymetryRemote Sensinghydrographymachine learningmarine habitatsICESat-2