As one of the pioneers of Turkish food sector, TAMEK was founded on March 31st, 1955 in Demirtaş county of Bursa province. TAMEK is composed of the initials of “Türk Alman Meyve Ekstreleri Kumpanyası” (Turkish German Fruit Extracts Company).
In 1950’s, when the industrial development was accelerating, the efficiency that was expected in the production of ready-food products hadn’t been reached yet. In such a period, when modern production technologies weren’t used, TAMEK was founded by Mehmet Sipahioğlu together with the technological cooperation with Germans. The German partner of TAMEK withdrew from the partnership at the end of the first year and TAMEK took its place in the sector as 100% Turkish origin food producer.
Tamek acquired by OYAK in June 2021.