T A P E was founded in 2015 as a response to the lack of representation on screen. We decided to bring exciting screenings to audiences who hadn't seen seen themselves on the big screen, championing the forgotten could-be cult films of the festival circuit with a focus on programmes of women of colour both behind and in front of the camera.
Over the years we've curated a number of well rounded screenings bringing together film, art, music, talks and more into one space and event with a focus on representation, identity, heritage and stories from diasporas.
Since starting with an unlicensed film in a community cafe, T A P E has expanded to include content writing, talks, consultation, curating, and production.
Founders Angie Moneke and Isra Al Kassi were joined by Nellie Alston in 2017 in curating, developing partnerships and delivering interesting events which platform both short and feature films.
Please e-mail us on info@tapecollective.co.uk to collaborate, or if you're looking for consultants to support you with your community / exhibition / production project.