am a blessed confident, reliable and well-driven individual; hands on experience spread over couple of decades allow me to speak business much louder than before. I have gone through a dynamic history of working that eventually led me to be at Senior Sales Marketing & Business Development role due to the working exposure in highly competitive market not limited to FMCG IT & Telecom, Battery, Foods & Beverages, Oil & Lubricants and Fabrics. I am excellent in working with folk around me or diversify range of human resource to achieve a certain objectives well in time with high level of perfection and accuracy. I am principally a management breed but have moved around enough industries to understand the whole business inside out, however I am a Corporate Player with a strong leadership and management skills.
Professionally served
Albarka Fabrics
Oscar Lubrincats of UAE
Enoc Lunricants of UAE
Gourmet Beaverages
Volta Battery
Telecom Foundation
KIMS Biscuit
Diversified Trade Service experience