The Swedish Association of Human Resources Management
is a member association embracing all aspects of Human Resource Managment. We are an active network, consisting of approximately 6000 professionals from both small and large organisations, whithin the private and public sector. Our main purposes are exchanging experiences and network building. Our activities mainly take place in our local networks.
Our mission statement is as follows:
- To shape opinions.
- To build local networks and collaborate with international organisations in the HRMfield.
- To be a centre for Human Resource Managers.
- To increase awareness regarding personal development in working life.
- To focus on profitable work within the HRMarea.
Our goals are:
- To work for the development of professional skills within HRM.
- To raise standards of training.
- To improve the links between theory and practice within HRM.
- Increase awareness of ethical patterns in the workplace.
Local network:
One important role of association is to give the members an opportunity to meet in different netwoks and exchange experiences and develop their skills. The networks are based on the members' different areas of expertise and in them they can get together informally and, under informal circumstances, get together and exchange thought and ideas.
Anetwork gives you the opportunity to:
- Exchange experiences.
- Create new contacts.
- Discuss your ideas.
- Learn from each other.