Sustainable Dala

Civil Engineering · 2 Employees
Sustainable Dala is a project established and executed by 5 Civil Engineering master students from Delft University of Technology. The goal of the project is to design a system tendering to all the water needs of the township Dala in Yangon. This township is largely undeveloped with very few people having direct access to drinking water and sanitation. In 2021 a bridge is expected to be finished connecting Dala directly to the central business district of Yangon. After this, Dala is expected to develop very quickly in terms of population size, industry and living standards. This also means the water demand will increase and proper sanitation and drainage will be even more important. During 2 months of field research, we intend to speak to locals, experts and officials, and collect enough data to come up with an integrated design. By combining our 4 disciplines, the design will tender to all the water related needs of Dala now and in the future. We will present our findings at the Amsterdam International Water Week in October 2017 where our design will serve as a showcase for comparable cases across the world.
Year Founded
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Civil Engineering
HQ Location
561 Merchant Road Yangon, Yangon MMR013D003, MM
Water managementHydraulic structuresTransportInfrastructure & Logisticsand Offshore & Dredging Engineering
  • 561 Merchant Road Yangon, Yangon MMR013D003, MM

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