Our laboratory carries out research on high performance buildings and advanced facades. With our wide range of building performance simulation software we perform computational modeling and simulation for optimizing design and renovations of high performance buildings and urban environments in terms of energy use, energy generation, water use, indoor environmental quality and life cycle assessment, meeting international, and commercial rating systems and standards. Regardless of the environment that has to be simulated, SBD lab has a set of simulation suites.
The laboratory is equipped with various data acquisition /logging systems for different types of temperature, humidity, air flow, turbulence, illumination intensity and CO2 sensors, envelope air tightness (Blower Door) and infrared camera. We can conduct high-precision digital environmental monitoring for climatic, radiation, pressure, illumination, and emission and acoustics properties.
Furthermore, the lab can monitor thermal comfort, indoor air quality and main influencing factors on a occupant’s sense of comfort following the international standard ISO 7730 that combines all of the parameters in the PMV/PPD measurement (Predicted Mean Vote/Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied). The monitoring includes generating and interpretation of results of the measuring instrument to evaluate an indoor climate quickly and objectively.