We deliver property sales intelligence to developers by sharing market research on what locations, infrastructure, design styles, product types and marketing combinations are delivering the best growth and revenue opportunities.
We use industry-leading reports to monitor key elements of the sales campaign in real time, to identify and correct any performance matters early and give the maximum time for those changes to take effect.
We deliver property sales intelligence to our sales partners by utilising research driven analysis, aligned with your selection criteria, to only refer you the most suitable property and ensure your clients maximise returns.
Properties are delivered in real time via our online portal and our simple 2-click reservation system means the sales process is more streamlined, saving you time and effort so you can make more sales.
Are you a financial planner, accountant or professional advisor looking for ways to diversify your client service offering to cover direct property?
Sure Path Direct assists professional advisors with the additional resources they require to successfully introduce clients to property investment.
Moreover, our team of property specialists use rigorous selection criteria to find investment grade property opportunities for your clients.