Supply Hertfordshire was established in 2003 and is a partnership of Public Sector buyers in Hertfordshire that facilitates joint working in procurement and partnership projects. Since then a number of shared working arrangements and contracts have been developed delivering a range of benefits to the participating organisations of Supply Hertfordshire.
In particular Supply Hertfordshire is striving to:
Improve information for suppliers and to streamline the tendering process through harmonising requirements and the use of a shared web site.
Improve supplier relationships and attainment of strategic service delivery outcomes across the region.
Improve procurement service levels to the differing business areas and Councils across the region.
Share best practice and knowledge in procurement and to mutually support the work and professional development of Buyers within Hertfordshire.
Develop the consortium infrastructure and culture to enable further collaborative procurement programmes to continue.
Manage a range of joint projects to deliver a greater understanding and improvements to the procurement processes across Hertfordshire.
Rationalise procurement arrangements across the region, developing standardised contractual arrangements, buying and approval.
Represent procurement within Hertfordshire at local and national levels whilst maintaining close contact with local stakeholders, customers and suppliers. "Hertfordshire Voice - Local Choice"