Supercom Industries LP (“Supercom”) is a 100% Indigenous owned business: a partnership between Fort William First Nation, Red Rock Indian Band, Pays Plat First Nation, Biigtigong Nishnaabeg and Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg. Since it’s inception in 2016, along with providing revenue generation, Supercom has successfully provided employment & training for community members and economic opportunities for our partner communities and community owned businesses. Supercom Industries is highly recognized in Northwestern Ontario for the successful participation and completion of the East-West Transmission Line Project. Supercom's current focus is on railway ground stabilization and infrastructure product known as a Spring Drain. The Spring Drain is manufactured by Supercom Industries, by a 100% First Nation workforce on one of our partner First Nation communities. Spring Drains are a geo-composite product mechanically installed between rail ties (cribs) over peatland or wetland areas.