
SunnyBee specializes in Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage with 11 employees
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About SunnyBee
Fruits and Vegetables are the most important part of your diet. We trust in the current system today to give us fresh, good quality vegetables, but how much do we really know about what we are buying? SunnyBee was founded on the principle that people should know how their produce is grown, treated, and transported from the farm to their dinner plates. Championing complete transparency, SunnyBee ensures that vegetables are responsibly sourced, washed and disinfected to international standards, and sold to the customer in tamper proof packaging daily within 24 hours of farming. This is possible through a unique vehicular delivery system that ensures we can set up and sell our produce anywhere, any time. Inspite of this, SunnyBee keeps prices within 5% of major retailers in the region. Through this same system, we are available at convenient locations every single day at the exact same time. This reliability and emphasis on freshness encourages our customers to avoid buying bulk. Instead, Buy Daily, Buy Fresh.
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Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Supply ChaiLogisticsGrocery StoresSupermarkets
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SunnyBee specializes in the Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage field

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SunnyBee specializes in the Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage field