Sun Mountain International (SMTN) is both a US and Ecuador-based socio-economic development organization with offices and coverage in Africa, South and Central America and the Caribbean. SMTN was established to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations dedicated to improving the socio-economic and environmental well-being of vulnerable households and communities.Constituted June 2001 in Quito, Ecuador, the organization has representatives and initiatives in over thirty countries. The firm provides services principally to non-governmental organizations, government ministries, municipal governments, bi- and multi-lateral organizations and productive enterprises. SMTN provides facilitation and technical expertise in the areas of: productive systems analysis, community development, sustainable agriculture initiatives, environmental capacity building and training, environmental evaluation, environmental and disaster risk management and climate change adaptability, project design and evaluation, food and livelihood security programming, institutional strengthening, and strategic planning. Sun Mountain has carried out over 115 project initiatives to date.