StudyVox FM is a radio station dedicated to giving people a voice.
We provide pop-up radio for events and have broadcast from the House of Commons, Oxford University, Earls Court and a field in the middle of the countryside.
We have developed mobile online radio stations in a box called the VoxBox Pro and the VoxBox Mini which enable organisations, schools, communities, charities and businesses to host their own radio station.
Our station also provides businesses, charities and individuals with a platform to host monthly or weekly shows reaching out to their target audience. A little like a facebook page but on the radio with access to phone-ins, emails and texts.
We now offer a unique radio team building experience for businesses and organisations where teams spend the day at our studios putting together a show that goes live at the end of the day.
StudyVox FM supports independent music all over the world and with over 1,000 bands has a huge playlist of new and exciting music.