Since Moso opened it's doors back in 2004, we've been building a broad range of solutions for clients from start-ups to major corporations
We are experts in designing and developing customised branded web applications, social media applications, mobile applications, content management solutions, meticulously planning and working closely with organisations all whilst providing solutions tailored specifically to client requirements.
We pride ourselves on simply being the digital extension of your team. Therefore our customer service is front and centre of each project. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy and every possible step will be made to exceed your expectations. We enjoy building a broad range of digital solutions for our clients, whether they be a start up or a major corporation.
Since opening our doors in 2004 we’ve worked and still work with with Suncorp, CSR Limited, Viridian Glass, Victorian State Government, NMIT, Arts Victoria, Shannons Insurance, Lion, TAC, , Dare Iced Coffee, PURA, Dairy Farmers, Ford Performance Vehicles, AAMI, GIO, AXA, Just Car Insurance, Bosch, Jetstar, Pacific Brands and Diversified Communications, just to name a few.
Our warehouse office provides an experimental and creative atmosphere that enables us to have a fresh and efficient approach in developing the latest online solutions. The Studio Moso team is both driven and focused on creating award winning work, but that doesn't mean we don’t have a bit of fun at the same time. Whether it's the sound of table tennis balls flying across the room or the welcome arrival of beer-o'clock late on Friday, our happy team is a productive team.