Street Bark is a student-led organization, driven by the passion to help our four-legged friends by feeding them and raising awareness about their prevalent situations in society. We aim to sow seeds of empathy towards people, compassion towards animals and respect for the environment. We serve to make people aware of stray dogs and their problems while helping them ourselves with our stray feeder program. Our dedicated workforce is passionate, not all dog lovers but all with the same mindset, to bring about a change in our society. Stray dogs are an especially huge topic in India, from stigmas to support organizations, various things make up this topic. One often unspoken about it is how badly impacted stray dogs are. Our team has all been raised hearing about the injustice often done to voiceless animals. They decided to finally stand and support them.
Street Bark was founded in 2021 as a project. Currently, it stands as a well-established organization and has expanded its wings with members from all over India as of today. We are projected to continue to grow as the internal portion of our organization continues to improve especially with the support of our key management and dedicated members.
Street Bark was not always as big as it is now. When we initially began officially working, we were only feeding 80+ dogs daily. In 4 months, our organization boomed. We started feeding and taking care of more than 600 dogs, 600-700 monkeys, 400+ cows and 10,000+ birds daily. These statistics have not hit their peak. Our workforce is expected to strengthen and grow to allow us to reach out to even more dogs and animals in need. Due to this vast network, we are working towards opening different branches all across India. Street Bark has recently opened a branch in Gujarat and is slowly growing in other cities and states.