The unabridged version of this article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition November 28, 2008 and can be found at
Posted on 26 Oct 2008 at 2:17pm
By Arnold Wayne Jones Staff Writer
Phyllo and honey and lamb, opa! Stratos Global Greek Taverna may look like a sports bar, but its cuisine demonstrates Olympian skill
ALL IN THE FAMILY: The Rizos family — sons Max, left, and Stratos, right, and nephew Stratos, center — delivers authentic Greek dishes as well as offering Mediterranean twists on other cuisines, especially evident with the specialty platter, which serves two (at least).
In "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," the line that probably gets the biggest laugh is when the heroine introduces her fiancé as a vegetarian. "No problem," says her astonished aunt. "I’ll make lamb."
That’s just the way it is with the Greeks: they’re not happy unless you are, and what could be more happiness-inducing than eating tons of rich food, especially meat?
...Stratos is family-owned, and that family is first-generation Greco-American; the name of one of proprietor Nick Rozos’ sons (and a nephew) is "Stratos." When the menu says "Mom’s recipe," you bet the original was probably scrawled on a leaf of papyrus within eyeshot of Crete. Authenticity is not a problem.
(copy & paste the web address above to read the entire article)