Stockrate Asset Management

Investment Management, Foreign exchange brokers and dealers, Financial and insurance services · 11 Employees
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StockRate Asset Management A/S is specialized in providing long-term investment solutions to investors. We serve institutional, high net worth and retail clients. As an independent asset manager, StockRate is committed to always acting in the best long-term interests of our investors. Our company is specialised in: • Equities • Bonds • Real estate investments • Alternative investments StockRate has one of the most unique equity investment processes in the world. We specialise in actively managed long-only equity funds and operate all our port-folios using one, uniform, factually-driven investment process. At StockRate we only invest in companies of the highest economic quality. We only consider including companies in our portfolio that simultaneously possess the following criteria: · high earnings strength · high financial strength · high degree of stability We rate more than 70.000 listed companies worldwide and identify companies of the highest economic quality. StockRate has demonstrated over the past years that this strategy, employed in the long term, leads to considerable benchmark outperformance, and at the same time the risk is relatively lower. Responsibility also plays a key role when we invest. StockRate is a signatory to the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment, PRI, which outlines our commit-ment as an asset manager. In our role as asset manager, we believe that how a company works with sustaina-bility can affect the performance of the company and hence the investment portfoli-os. Therefore, we are committed to incorporating ESG or SDG factors in-to our in-vestment criteria. At StockRate, we offer two different sustainable screening processes: • ESG-screening • SDG-screening Both screening processes evaluate a company's impact on society and the envi-ronment, but SDGs focus mainly on behavior while ESG focuses on non-financial metrics that help investors understand how companies manage their ESG risks.
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Investment Management, Foreign exchange brokers and dealers, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Independent financial advisers, Bill of exchange brokers, Unit trusts
HQ Location
Sdr. Jernbanevej 18D Hillerød, 3400, DK
✔ Formuepleje: Specialist i globale aktier og obligationer✔ Unik investeringsfilosofi✔ Overbevisende resultater✔ Ingen skjulte gebyrer✔ Uafhængig af bankerneand Personlig formueforvalter
  • Sdr. Jernbanevej 18D Hillerød, 3400, DK

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Investment Management, Foreign exchange brokers and dealers, Financial and insurance services

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