As a citizen you have many rights and obligations. So many that you probably will not know most of them, let alone know how they are drafted or how you can appeal to them when you need to.
Sometimes, however, you can find yourself in a situation in which you would like to know more about these rights and obligations.
The ´Haagse Wetswinkel´ can help you with most legal problems and/or questions or refer you to the proper channels. The ´Haagse Wetswinkel´ can help you with problems or questions concerning:
labour law
social security
housing and rent act
consumer law
family law
criminal law
The ´Haagse Wetswinkel´ also has a separate section with its own office hours:
The Justitieel Klachtenbureau for complaints about the police, the justice department and HTM.
The ´Haagse Wetswinkel´ has a team of jurists. Most of them are law students, some are graduates. All of them work on voluntary basis. The fact that they are jurists does not mean that they have an immediate anwser to all your problems and questions. Sometimes, research needs to be done, or specialists in certain areas have to be consulted.
Anyone who lives in Den Haag or the Den Haag region and who has an income below health insurance fund limits can come to the ´Haagse Wetswinkel´. This does not include, however, landlords or employers, except when they have problems concerning other than housing law or labour law respectively.
The ´Haagse Wetswinkel´ has open office hours twice a week, so you never have to make an appointment.
You can also contact us by phone every day. We will not answer any questions on the phone, but we can refer you to the proper channels.