tichting van het Wit Gele Kruis voor Thuiszorg “Prinses Margriet” (Stichting WGK) is the largest organization that provides home care in Curaçao. Stichting WGK is the only ISO-certified home care organization on Curaçao and we consider it an important task to guarantee quality to our clients. In 2008 our organization achieved the first ISO certification and in April 2018 the foundation met the new ISO 9001: 2015 standard again.
Our organization offers home care in the broadest sense including district nursing, family care, as well as care for infants and toddlers. We are a home care provider with personality. We see each other, clients and employees, as people. People with opportunities and limitations in need of trust, respect and security. Our staff believes that it is essential that clients are valued. We attach great importance to the client's continued involvement in the implementation of care and we will support them if necessary.
We offer both preventive and curative customized home care and parent and child care that is accessible for everyone who is in needs of this care. Our care focuses on increasing individual and group self-reliance and making health issues managable by people and families in their home. The aim of our care is that patients can continue to live in their own environment in a responsible manner for as long as possible. We take care of our employees so they can remain motivated and competent and can develop into a valuable member of our organization. Our employees are encouraged to take a participatory role and to actively contribute to the maintenance of qualitative care.