Stichting Our Bodies Our Voice raises awareness about sexual violence and transforms consent culture within universities in the Netherlands to create a safer environments for students and staff alike. We believe in the necessity of fostering skills of empathy, active listening, and critical introspection in both personal and professional lives.
Our organization works on four aspects:
• We deliver workshops and trainings to students, staff, and student/study associations.
Through our workshops, we provide tools to improve social safety and create safer spaces for intimate discussions about attitudes towards sex, boundaries, and consent.
• We vitalize community engagement on this topic by hosting peer educator training sessions and recruiting our own Student Boards, who are in charge of awareness campaigns.
• We provide institutions and associations with consultancy on projects and policy work.
• We run support groups for survivors of sexual violence called “CARE," in collaboration with The Safo Space and Anesteia Tsagkalidou. This project was conceptualized in the summer of 2019 and piloted for the first time in Amsterdam during the 2019/2020 academic year, with the financial support of the Chief Diversity Officer of the University of Amsterdam.
Our work features teaching styles that employ practical based skill training, with interactive individual and group work to identify hidden cultural and social norms. We give participants knowledge on what they can do to support survivors, help dismantle the stigma around sexual violence, and provide tools to improve social safety within different groups, such as student associations and student councils.
To find out more about our organization, visit our website:
If you would like to get in touch with us, please email us at: