SSCP, headquartered in Singapore, started as a sister company to the world-renowned Stern Value Management (previously Stern Stewart & Co.) based in New York. Whereas Stern Value Management acts as consultant in implementing its proprietary framework for value management called EVA® or Economic Value Added, SSCP acts as a transactional advisor, corporate financier and funding partner for clients mainly in developing markets, from Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa to Asia. More specifically, SSCP identifies advanced technologies, mid-sized businesses, and developing markets requiring funding and matches them with investors eager to provide financing and growth capital.
The firm has a long-term “partnering” perspective, choosing as transactional advisor to forgo much or all cash from its fund-raising and transaction fees for a larger equity investment in the companies which it promotes. In its business building role as capital investment partner SSCP aligns itself with both technology and funding partners, always preferring to co-invest with knowledgeable partners.