StepJockey fights sedentary behaviour in multi-storey offices by promoting stair use. It is used by corporate wellness and estates specialists worldwide.
Our unique smart signs and gamification platform enable employers to make their offices visibly healthier and more active without the need for large-scale capital investment. Benefits include:
- more active and engaged employees
- rich-data for wellness, facilities and CSR reporting
- quantifiable RoI via health, productivity and energy savings
StepJockey has labelled more than 11,000 staircases in over 100 countries. Clients include large corporates as well as many hospitals and public authorities.
Ideal for those seeking Well Building or Fitwel certification standards.
If you are interested in making wellness a reality in your business, please don't hesitate to get in touch for a demo:
Call: +44 (0) 203 397 8377