50 States, All SPLIT over Privacy.
Here at SPLIT, we specialize in curating content for enthusiasts interested in staying informed about the ever-changing patchwork of state privacy laws.
Our team of attorneys and motivated law students is dedicated to tracking and analyzing the latest regulatory updates, guidance, events, books, and courses related to state privacy legislation.
Here's what sets us apart:
Our content creation and curation ensures that we only share resources that we personally consider to be relevant, interesting, or exemplary representations of emerging developments and best practices in state privacy law.
While the content we share is for informational purposes, please note that it should not be construed or taken as legal advice.
Thank you for your interest in 50 SPLIT – welcome to our community!
James Hamraie (https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-hamraie)
Josh Fuqua (https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-fuqua-93701a224/)