We the founder members of Star Woman Foundation (Star Woman) founded this organization in understanding that sustainable society needs more than poverty eradication and creation of financial freedom to individuals and family levels on which most of the civil organizations in Tanzanian involves themselves in.
This organization wants to fill this gap by bringing women as critical part of the country leadership by emphasizing teaching of the role of women in leadership, nationalism and patriotism, peace keeping, holistic sustainable life skills, civil and personal legal education. Moreover it will aim at protecting and keeping national and African values, icons and monuments as opposed to most of the current and existing organizations in metropolis areas of Tanzania that mostly only involve themselves in issues related to poverty eradication, entrepreneurship and environmental protections to everyone. Star Woman will work with a bias of putting women and young adults’ agenda first in cooperation with all members of society in making sure that the national and global agenda of reaching 50/50 women participation in leadership to corporates and Government is attained.