“Achieve greater business success with focused, strategic and targeted placements.” A recruitment agency with a personal angle. Our mission is to get to know your company inside out, so that we can find you the best candidates for the job, even before you know you need them.
We understand the importance of having the right people in your business, at the right time, ensuring optimal business health and growth. We strive to marry talent and opportunity to serve both the company's vision, and the candidate's career goals and dreams.
Placing the right Character, Culture and Attitude is non negotiable.
Make the smart choice when growing your company, choose Staff Smart.
Staff Smart Recruit and Design also has a strong design capability. We realize that your visual identity is how the world perceives you, and therefore we are serious and take pride in our high quality, affordable design and print services. Contact us for any Graphic Design, Print or Corporate Clothing and Gift requirements.
Contact us on info@staffsmart.co.za to discuss your staffing needs.