St. John’s Grace United Church of Christ is a thriving, growing congregation that seeks to welcome all people and practice the hospitality that Jesus embodied. We are a congregation of growing diversity and we celebrate the gifts and contributions of every person God brings to our community.
We are a congregation of the United Church of Christ, a historic protestant denomination that has its roots in the New England Congregationalism as well as the Evangelical Lutheran traditions of (mainly) German immigrants. It was a group of those German immigrants who began a worshiping community in 1867 that eventually became St. John’s Grace– we celebrated 150 years of ministry in the Baltimore community!
Those German families who originally founded St. John’s Grace have done a wonderful job of welcoming families and individuals from every walk of life, every age, many different ethnicities, political views, and religious perspectives. We may not all agree on everything, but we celebrate and welcome every person to Christ’s Table.