Sports Law Review India (SLRI), erstwhile ‘Sports Law and Policy Review Reporter’ is a platform to facilitate academic research in the area of ‘Sports & Law’ or ‘Sports Law’. The idea behind SLRI originated in a conversation about sports literature and availability of academic work in the field of Sports Law in India. As a multi-sporting country, the need for Sports Laws in India has become evident due to the commodification and commercialisation of Sports in the last few decades. SLRI is a platform to encourage conversation about Sports Law, developments in the field, community building, and everything else related to Sports in general!
SLPRI aims to ultimately enable the development of Sports Jurisprudence to accommodate the general technicalities of Sports and the growing interrelation of Sports and Law; to ensure that research and academic works are brought to the fore-front of the discourse about Sports, owing to the crucial role they play in the profession. It is to be noted that especially in the Indian context, amidst the growing judicial intervention in recent years which has led to extensive reforms in the sports governing bodies, there is an imminent need for developing the discourse regarding ‘Sports Law’ and giving it due recognition to enable scholarships and advanced studies in this area. Academic research in this area will undoubtedly help in furthering the cause of Sports Law in India, from both public law as well as private law perspective. With a wide spectrum of issues involved in the realm of Sports Law, SLPRI’s objective is to bring forward multiple opinions and viewpoints about relevant topics so as to do justice to this subject and help it become more noticeable in India.