
Automation Machinery Manufacturing, Measuring, weighing, testing and controlling equipment (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores · 11 Employees
Phone Number: sales.cluj@spectromas.ro
Email Address: sales.cluj@spectromas.ro
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SPECTROMAS S.R.L. este o firma particulara fondata in anul 2003 cu capital integral romanesc si care are ca sector de activitate comercializarea de echipamente de masura si control utilizate cu precadere in mediu industrial dar ofera si servicii de masuratori 3D si consultanta tehnica in inginerie mecanica si automatica. Personalul este format in principal din ingineri mecanici si ingineri electonisti cu experienta de peste 10 ani. Societatea are sediul in Bucuresti si un punct de lucru in Cluj. Printre partenerii principali se numara : HBM - Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH - Lider mondial in echipamente si sisteme de achizitie de date pentru masuratori tensometrice GOM - Gesellschaft für Optische Messtechnik mbH - SIsteme de masura optice 3D PHOTRON - Camere video ultrrarapide
Year Founded
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Automation Machinery Manufacturing, Measuring, weighing, testing and controlling equipment (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Amplifiers, transducer, Electronic equipment. Telecommunications equipment, Electrical, Electronics & Optical, Signal conditioners, Amplifiers, Amplifiers, microphone
HQ Location
Metav Business Park , Corp R , Etaj 1, Str. Biharia, nr 67-77, Sector 1 Bucuresti, 013981, RO
Sisteme de masurare 3D si control dimensionalEchipamente de masura forte si presiuniSisteme de cantarireCamere video High Speedand Echipamente pentru masuratori de vibratii si zgomot
  • Metav Business Park , Corp R , Etaj 1, Str. Biharia, nr 67-77, Sector 1 Bucuresti, 013981, RO
  • str Saturn nr 2 A Cluj Napoca Cluj-Napoca, Punct de lucru 400504, RO

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Automation Machinery Manufacturing, Measuring, weighing, testing and controlling equipment (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores

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